Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors or Olympica I

I am looking to buy a pair of Sonus Faber monitors to go in my living room, a less than ideal listening space. On the used market the cost of a pair of newer Olympica I are slightly more than the cost of the older Cremona (or Cremona M) Auditors. Right now I have a pair of full-size Liutos that I really like but I think they’re a little too big for the space. My associated equipment is all PS Audio (Memory Player transport, DSD DAC, BHK Preamp, BHK amp).

I am looking for recommendations/insights into the strengths and weaknesses of one vs the other. My understanding is that the Olympica is a different sound from the Cremonas. Some have said that the Cremonas sound a lot like the Guarneri Mementos at half the price. I listen mostly to jazz and vocalists (Sinatra, Bobby Short, Diana Krall, James Taylor, etc.)


 First let me say that I am a big  Sonus Faber fan. I own the Elipsa SE Red speakers. I had the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors in my system a few years ago. I think they were the M version but can't say for sure. I was not impressed. 

 I have also heard the Olympica 1s at my dealer with electronics very similar to mine. I thought they were very good, especially for their price. The best way is to go hear a pair at a dealer. See if you can take them home for the weekend. If you like them you might even ask if he wants to sell his demo pair. That is what I did.

 In general the older Sonus Faber speakers are more romantic sounding while the newer ones are more detailed and modern sounding. 

Thanks much. I really appreciate the insight though I am surprised by the responses. I’ve read a number of posts from people raving about the Cremonas and how the original version might even be better than the M version. Also have heard some compare it to the Mementos. I have a pair of SF Liutos that I really, really like that I bought on A_Gon last year. My reason for inquiring was

a) I think the Liutos (floor-standers) are probably too big for the space they’re in, a living room that’s not configured all that well for audio.

b) Wife isn’t thrilled by the footprint of floor-standers.

As far as a) goes, unfortunately we are renting and most houses aren’t set up for a music room (once had one built for that purpose). Even high end homes (especially in Florida) have weird / open layouts that aren’t conducive to high end audio equipment. When I inquire about it with realtors I get responses like ’you should just get an iPad and an Apple music setup with wireless speakers instead. My husband and I got one and it’s amazing.’ Ahhhh, no.

I like my gear and music so much I just deal. However I do believe monitors would be easier to make sound good in my current space than floor-standers.
I Listern to a pair on the weekend that a person was selling, at first I thought it was my hearing as I had just driven 3 hrs and feeling a little tiered, but they where allful, sounded like fingers on a chalk board, I stop the audition after about 10 minutes, I had a friend with me he said the same, not sure if it was the set up or the room, I have heard Sonus Faber before and was very impress, I knew the speaker could of been better positioned and the person offered to let me play with them ,I declined, to many issues to contend with, if I could of got them for a price that allowed me to flip them I might of gave them a go in my room. Moral is listern to them first.
Kelvin, are you talking about the Cremona Auditors or the Olympica Is?  I wasn't sure.

Has anyone heard the Lawrence Audio Violin SE?  If not can you recommend a used monitor in the $3k-$5k range (current used price)?

Thanks !
I have the original auditors. If I'm not mistaken, they're one of the last speakers that Serblin designed himself. I've read that it's one of his favorite design aside from the Minima.
I run it with a Jadis Defy 7. 
It took a while for me to acquire it here in Audiogon because if it's priced below $3000 for the original or M, it's gone fast. They rarely appear for sale.
I have'nt heard the Olympica, but I've heard some other current SF models and they do sound more modern. The original Serblin designs were definitely colored but for me more involving and moving.
They need to be set up at least 4 feet from rear wall and 3 feet from side
I have them raked up a bit because I listen nearfield in a small room.
After attending THE show and listening to speakers like gamut 2 way monitors costing $20,000, (both have scanspeak revelator drivers),
I believe the auditors sounds almost as good