Power cords for ModWright SCD-XA5400es

I cross-posted this also in the Digital forum.

I just pulled the trigger on upgrading my stock Sony XA5400es with the ModWright mods.

For those of you that have done the mod, what type of power cords did you end up considering and ultimately using? Or did you stay with the stock cords? Are the power cords for the new separate power supply and the player the same brand/model?

Lawrence (Closdesducs)

I'm personally note 100% sure of my answer here as I have not tried PC 10. 

We have a pretty large user-base now applying EQUI=CORE with SR products. I hear nothing but nice things.

My own personal opinion is Balanced it THE WAY TO GO. Removing the Common Mode Noise must be a good thing for everything "behind it"... 

Best wishes,

Thanks for the response Mark. I have been following the CPT thread and will seriously consider your products.

Best to you Mark,

Thanks Dave...

I would be happy to send you one of our E=C 50's to simply try on any of your Front End components... I'm serious of course and if you drop me a line we can arrange this together...



Here to help...

Best wishes,

TY- guys for updating this thread. It appears that we  all have multiple choices for PC(s).  Happy Listening!