Anybody here terminate DH Labs BL-1 cable?

I want to make sure I'm terminating these correctly.
They have 2 conductors, a drain wire and a shield.

For unbalanced RCA termination, 1 wire for signal, 1 wire for ground, and combine the drain on the ground wire?
Is that correct? Or is the drain only used for balanced connections?

Todd - if you follow the parts identified on the site I think(hope) you will be pleasantly surprised - but allow the prescribed burn-in. The power cables aren't too bad at 60-80 hours, but the IC's take 300-400 hours before they sound their best - I have no idea why - perhaps the low voltages at play?

What components are the power cables for?

Do you have a good outlet in the wall? I like Pass and Seymour MRI grade outlets from Take Five audio - they clamp like a vice and are reasonably 

Here's what PC's I have on my gear so you can get an idea of my setup...
- in the wall - Pass and Seymour MRI outlets
- Power Helix 10 gauge from wall into a distribution box with Pass and Seymour
- Power Helix 10 gauge from wall into a NAIM 5i mkII integrated
- Power helix 12/13 gauge from box to Moon Phono stage
- Power Helix 12/13 from box to Schiit Bifrost
- the Bifrost has a split USB cable - one side power one side signal with a stable external power supply
- all IC's are the Helix MK V
- digital IC - Helix Mk V Digital (which has the Silver Harmony RCA's and copper signal wire - I found a standard Helix MK V with Absolute Harmony and silver signal wire made no difference to the sound when used for digital stuff

I tried different permutations attaching the PC's to components, but the usage described above provided the most optimal results.

I used both DH Labs and Furutech for the live conductor on the PC's and I really can't tell the difference anymore. But that may well depend on the component it's attached too

Keep me posted - I would be most interested to hear your experience.


Oops - that should have been...

- the Vlink192 has a split USB cable - one side power one side signal with a stable external power supply and a Helix MK V Digital SPDIF into the Bifrost

Sorry about that :-)

I finished the cables and they sound great from the start. Though I think a lot may be attributed to the silver plug and IEC connectors. I have a DIY power box wired with 10awg silver plated copper straight through a DIY power cord like the VH audio cords. No IEC connector, just outlets to plug, which I upgraded to a silver Sonarquest during this project. My outlets (wall and box) are all Hubbel 5362 and I have a dedicated 20 amp line to the two outlets in my room, though i only use one. Unless I’m vacuuming.

I made 2 10awg cords.
I ended up using the innards from a power cable I found through your power strip post. It’s the place you purchased your chassis from: I bought GY-PW8000, which only has two conductors and a smaller gauge ground, but the conductors are teflon insulated, monocrystal (whatever..) rectangular, multigauge copper. And they’re fat. My contact there said they were approx 11awg, but I found them to be fatter than 10awg, maybe not quite 9awg.

I bought the silver sonarquest connectors. It’s funny, my previous DIY cords also had sonarquest, but I hadn’t noticed the silver before.

The cables are for a dared MC-7P tube preamp and a crown xls-1500 amp. I’ll make one for my CD player next. I’ll probably give interconnects a try too, though just in copper so i can compare the sound difference to my current copper cardas cable DIY ICs. I’m a bit limited in budget, as you can tell by my meagre gear, but it’s capable enough for me to be able to notice differences in cables, especially now that i’m beginning to sort out room acoustics.
todd.... glad to hear the cables are working out for you

Your other power upgrades provide a very solid foundation for your system, great choices.

The power cables do sound good from the start, but they do get better with time :-)

The IC's also sound good, but after about 20 hours they start to sound a little harsh. By about 60 hours they start to smooth out and just get better from there.

As for your so called "meagre gear" - your setup is more than capable of highlighting the improvement these cables are capable of conveying, as you will discover :-)

Your system would love the Helix Mark V IC's, but rather than opting for the design on my site, you can scale back to the Silver Harmony RCA's and use  a quality copper signal conductor in place of the silver and still get great performance. You can then "upgrade" as time and budget (and desire) allows.

what speaker cables are you using?

You are pretty much following the same route I took, in that first I selected some good components, then sorted the cables and finally sorted the room treatments,

keep me posted on your progress
Todd - something that came to mind -  with components that have higher quality power supplies -  improvements tend to be more "subtle" 

For example - for a component with a small power supply - you might hear an improvement in dynamic performance, bass depth and control etc..

Whereas for a component such as your pre-amp - you will probably find more subtle improvements in things like dynamic speed, clarity, resolution and a mode complete image with more subtle venue acoustics

Noticing the subtleties was something a I had to really listen for, but once you notice them they become something you easily find missing in other less adept systems.
