Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Rob, you're right, I have been the minority view throughout.  But I find it interesting that my complaints about the WE16 are now acknowledged as the areas where the Duelund improved on the WE.  The majority apparently didn't hear these limitations until they heard the Duelunds.  

My opinion has been the same all along: the WE and Duelund are great values but they are not world-beaters as some people claim.  And my opinion is based on what I hear with my own ears, not what some other hobbyist says on his blog.  Magazine reviewers, ezine writers and bloggers serve a function in that they can introduce others to products they might not hear about otherwise, but when it comes to drawing conclusions about how something sounds I only trust my own ears.

Well the Duelund 16ga is a world beater as an IC.....in my rig. I have not tried it as speaker cable. The WE10ga makes world class speaker cable in my rig. I like it much better than the WE16.  Better tone and body for sure. 

Always system dependent. A world beater in one system may be just OK in another. That happens with all manner of wire and gear. I think we all get that. 

I love the Duelund 16ga as IC wire! Perfect in my system. 

I forget what you are using for speaker cables. Curious what it is? Thanks.
My findings are similar to Salectrics although I didn’t hear it immediately. I spent months with WE16 but once I rebuilt my amp on a copper/aluminum subchassis and listened to Kondo ICs and Audio note Lexus Speakers cables I preferred that synergy.

Tonight WE16 hook up wire in my Power Supply sounds cleaner than it did yesterday and so it needs more burn in time. I remember how long WE wire needed to burn in as interconnects so it should have been no surprise. There are no absolutes in hi end audio...change one thing and other elements get thrown out of balance.
Removing the bleeder resistor from my amp’s power supply has done just that. After hearing it without the bleeder with more freedom and dynamics I wouldn’t put it back in but I’ve opened up another can of worms too. I am guessing a bleeder, besides bleeding voltage from capacitors is also a form of power supply regulation. A regulated power supply has a sound just like a non regulated power supply has a different sound. This is something Salectric has talked to me about. Don’t always assume just because your electronics have a regulated power supply it’s always going to sound great.

Jet, did you use the new Duelund 16ga wire? It is better than the WE16.  I am referring to the new Duelund wire. 

I love the fact both you and Salectric are open minded enough to try this wire. Not everyone is. The new Duelund wire is wonderful for ICs.  I will try the thinner gauge per Salectric comments when it is available.