Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?
Vibrations affect anything that is microphonic or any surface that can vibrate and create sound (rattle being obvious but it can be moe subtle than that). Examples are a piano or guitar that will vibrate sympathetically and drum sets are very obviously sensitive to vibrations - sympathetic snare buzz being most obvious.

That said, electronics of good quality are designed so that they are not microphonic. This means vibration damping is not needed. Tubes can be microphonic so they should be avoided if accuracy is desired at louder levels. Some capacitors can be microphonic and are usually avoided for that reason. Same goes for a turntable - it is unavoidable that a TT will pick up some vibration due to the very nature of the vibrating source that is amplified enormously.

Speakers do not generally behave microphonically but they sure do excite vibrations in everything else. Proper cabinet damping and use of isolation stands and/or rubber an be essential to reduced unwanted sympathetic vibrations. Same goes for anything in the room - heavy curtains may help with windows a heavy rug may help with a floor - tapestries may help with vibrating detached gyprock and on and on....

Electronics are usually challenged by ground loops, stray EM and power source noise that is not filtered well enough. Most of the noise in electronics comes from stray current through leaky components, heat and in general poor circuit design - so vibration pads or cones are unlikely to have any benefit although vibration damping may ultimately protect the longevity of electronics in extreme environments.
Stalemate Kait asks, What do instruments have to do with audiophiles?

I had to put my eyes back in my head after reading that one.

We are just proving to the World that our new technology provides operational efficiency for any application. We have products for Hi-Fi gear, structural environments and musical instruments.

Amazing how you can never relate to music or sound. You should tout your wares on the Popular Mechanics website and get out of audio or unlock a new page in life and open your ears instead of your mouth.

Now that’s a brilliant concept!


Speakers do not generally behave microphonically but they sure do excite vibrations in everything else. Proper cabinet damping and use of isolation stands and/or rubber an be essential to reduced unwanted sympathetic vibrations. Same goes for anything in the room - heavy curtains may help with windows a heavy rug may help with a floor - tapestries may help with vibrating detached gyprock and on and on....
Most speakers are poorly designed in this regard as are most generic listening rooms.  These stands can make a big difference on speakers for this fact alone.  

Electronics are usually challenged by ground loops, stray EM and power source noise that is not filtered well enough. Most of the noise in electronics comes from stray current through leaky components, heat and in general poor circuit design - so vibration pads or cones are unlikely to have any benefit although vibration damping may ultimately protect the longevity of electronics in extreme environments.
I have spoken with manufactures of electronics (and owned their gear) who have gone to great lengths to mechanically ground internal components including transformers in addition to elaborate schemes of electrical isolation, etc.  Proper mechanical and electrical grounding schemes have a profound impact on sonics.  I agree that stray EM/RFI is a source of much sonic juju and is one reason why many philes have spent so much energy on various grounding boxes, etc.  That is a whole other convo though.

shadorne, since you are the Ayatollah of rock & rolla, putting SS stands or any other products mentioned here under your subs and/or speakers would surprise you....

1,430 posts
11-16-2016 12:33pm
Stalemate Kait asks, What do instruments have to do with audiophiles?

I had to put my eyes back in my head after reading that one.

We are just proving to the World that our new technology provides operational efficiency for any application. We have products for Hi-Fi gear, structural environments and musical instruments.

Amazing how you can never relate to music or sound. You should tout your wares on the Popular Mechanics website and get out of audio or unlock a new page in life and open your ears instead of your mouth.

Now that’s a brilliant concept!


Could your posts get any more silly and sophomoric? Just because you say you have products for musical instruments and for audio doesn’t mean that musical instruments behave like audio components. Another example of the MG Mind Meld in action. I realize you guys probably thInk you have a great marketing scheme that audiophiles will lap right up. Heck, it's not even your marketing scheme, it's Michael's.

Because I’m in a good mood I’ll even explain why your great theory is bogus. It’s because musical instruments don’t have electron tubes, wires, microchips, circuit boards, you know, things that distort the audio signal, the electromagnetic wave, when they vibrate. Unlike most musical instruments audio components should not resonate. If you like I can recommend a good shrink or deprogrammer to try to undo all the damage done. We see this type of thing a lot in cults. The Branch Davidians spring to mind.

Can’t relate to music or sound? Are you crazy? All of my products are designed to improve the sound. I must relate just a little bit to music and sound. Besides, many of my products improve the sound of musical instruments, real musical instruments. Bet you’re not laughing now.