1 Sub, 2 Functions

I have a completely separate 2-channel and Home Theater system in the same room. I'm looking to get my first Subwoofer and I want it to function in my 2-channel system as well as my Home Theater set up without reconecting each time I change systems. The only sub I know of that can do this is a REL. Are there others that offer the same flexibility?
I suppose you could connect 2 systems to a Velodyne...and the nice thing is Velodyne gives you up to 8 modes that can be memorized...audio, video, etc. So you can do all your settings for one system (Mode 1) and just click on it when using 1 system...and use Mode 2 for your other system.
I just hook my sub up using the high-level inputs on the sub, right off my separate two-channel amp. It is set up so it powers the front speakers no matter whether in two-channel or multi-channel through the pre-pro, just deselect the sub in both your player and your pre-pro.

This will work with a five-channel amp as well.

Dan; If you hook up your sub that way; only receiving as source the signal to the mains; how do you access the .1 LFE, which really helps enhance the HT experience on many movies. Don't you need that to come into the sub from the HT processor; and have room eq? Most Blue ray movies don't have a lot of info coming thru the main L/R speakers; more from center, rears, and subs...in my experience....
I want to use a sub the same way; for both HT and two channel listening..Velodyne in their manual clearly states to NOT hook up to seperate source inputs, it can damage the unit.