List of albums that will still be popular 50 years from now...

We all know that classical music will still be on demand 50 years from now, but what about pop music that will still be on demand?
I'd like to list few titles and the rest leave to the contributors!

1. Henry Mancini "Pink Panther" as the best score he's ever wrote
2. Sesame Street "Born To Add"
3. Believe it or not, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" will still be there and hot!
4. Miles Davis "Kind of Blue
5. Dave Brubeck "Time Out"
Hi , I've seen live the following ; Zeppelin , Stones , Pink Floyd, The Who, Sabbath, Deep Purple, Queen, Van Halen, AC/DC and many others . My addition to the list would be Supertramp's - Crime of the Century . I saw them do the album in its entirety in an acousticly pleasing , small venue theatre. It was sanctimonious ! Also at 59 years old and growing up in a musical house ,  but preferring Rock and Roll , I must agree with Franks perspective on rock . At about age 45 , I discovered " THE ORIGINAL MUSIC ". The fist time I heard Willie Dixon - I am the Blues , every song had been covered by a major rock band . So if you want to really know Rock and Roll , listen to every album on Aligator Records . As far as color , I didn't know the Chambers Brothers were black . So don't judge music by the color of its skin ,  but by the content of its heart ! Sound Familar ? I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT ❤️
@buellrider97 what do you think kids or 45yo will be discovering 50yrs from now?  Anything from today's Top 30?
Kanye West was hailed as a Mozart of the 21st century by The Atlantic... 
@czarivey and @oregonpapa :  methinks you are wrong, this "race" talk wont be an issue then. I am talking from my personal experience, my grandkids will be of Slavic+Mexican+Japanese descent... I am not a fan of Wagner (Puccini and Tchaikovsky is as far as I am comfy with Opera) but if I learn that Stalin (who exterminated my granddad's family) loved Brahms, I am not going to change my priorities in music!!!!!!  If Tchaikovsky wasn't gay in Mama Russia, he would have never produced his later symphonies, our moral codes of today will be totally forgotten 50yrs from now 
Hey Sevs , small world , I'm Volga German . My people came to Fresno in 1890. My great grandfather was illegal for 45 years , then he got his papers . I was brought up on Greek music, Spanish ( Mexico ) music , Frank and Dean , 60's folk music. My brother and I took piano . My brother continued on to guitar and drums . Our mainstay was English rock and SF rock . We learned piano playing Classical music . If you go back and look at SESAME STREET's history , it's bam bam bam . I also studied poetry as a youth and was taught to dislike music/lyrics the were overly repetitive and shallow . Music that flows , evokes emotion ( not shoot yo bitch ) , and lyrics that paint a detailed picture will last the test of time . I think Bob Dylan , Johnny Cash , Simon and Garfunkel for acoustic . Al Di Meola , Paco Delucia , John Mcglaughlin for classical guitar . Pink Floyd , Led Zepplin for rock . The Beatles to me are there own genre. As good as people like Usher and Bruno Mars are, as well as many females too , pop music is shallow and will be forgotten except when people want to relive their youth . When Lady Gaga sang the SOUND OF MUSIC for Julie Andrews , my jaw hit the floor WOW ! But it's the material that will make it last . How much Madonna did you play this week ? But the best thing is when I watch my children discover Dylan , The Doors , John Lee Hooker, Tom Petty just to name a few . I hope in all that blabbing I said something constructive . Best wishes to all , Mike. 
buellrider97, none of those three guys (Paco, John Mc and Al) are classical guitarists.  Paco is by far the closest (he plays fingerstyle, with nails, on a nylon stringed guitarr) ahd he did make one classical recording but is known for his playing of flamenco, not classical.  They are all three fine guitarists nonetheless.