Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3

Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3.  

I am going to use these speakers in my family room, my wife really wants me to complete this system soon so we can play christmas music and she can finally watch TV with some good sound. 

I am looking at possibly Rotel power for this. 

Either the integrated solution: 
Rotel RA1592

Or going separates:
Rotel RC1570 or RC1590 preamp
Rotel RB1582mk2 or RB1590 amp. 



Thanks for the kind words... I think I will be happy otherwise it will go back. 

No worries, my main system dwarfs this one.  I guess you can call this the wife's system haha
I smiled when i read your "I may be stuck" comment too. There are a lot worse things to be stuck with than Rotel.  I hope it turns out to be a great sleeper system. Good luck and report back about how it sounds in your room. 
@mward, so I was planning on getting the best Rotel initially prior to starting this thread, but then got diverted by the WAF.  

Atleast it'll sound good and hopefully she will like it.  

My other amp is a beast, so atleast I have that to fall back to.  

Oh yeah, I know about your big rig. This isn't the only neighborhood I hang out in:-) I wish my main system was as sweet as your SF/Rotel system will be.

I'm betting that set-up will sound great and you and your wife will love it.

Happy Thanksgiving!


For sure, you’ll be fine with that as a second system. I’d take that deal all day long.