Mismatched preamp and CD player?

My system is Adcom GTP-500, GFA-555 and MMGs. An Onix XCD-88 and Denon DCM-280 take care of the CD side.

I cannot turn the volume on the preamp above 8 o’clock comfortably and 9 o’clock drives me from the room (7 o'clock is full off with 5 o'clock full on) . The problem is much more noticable on the Onix than the Denon, but neither is desirable. Research suggests this is due to a mismatch of the CD player output level and the preamp input sensitivity. How can I confirm this is the case, and what can I do about it if true? Are there other causes I should be looking into?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Thanks for the quick response.  Looks like the right solution, but I need some education if you can.

What is likely causing too much system gain?  This gear has been used together before (not the MMGs but other Maggies) and I don't recall the problem.

With the SYS, it looks like I can use both CD players (the Denon is a 5 CD player for lazy listening).  If I only use one of the CD players (the XCD-88) could I somehow use the phono stage of the Adcom GTP-500?

Thanks again



Thanks for the solution. Do those go between the CD player and the preamp or between preamp and amp?

I would place them between the CD player and the preamp. BTW, I use an attenuator between my tuner and preamp to tone down the volume. Give them a shot. Like I said, you can always return them if they don’t do the job.
jafant - That seems to be the consensus, but I don’t understand why? This same gear has driven Magnepan 3.6s (10years ago) and I don’t recall the issue coming up.

George - I don't suppose placing the SYS between the CD players and the Adcom preamp would address the problem and allow me to use the phono stage of the preamp for a turntable?