Entry Level Interconnect Reccomendations

Hello all,

I wanted to come here to ask you guys’ advice on some interconnects. This is my system:

Spica TC50 speakers
2x M&K VX-7 II subwoofers
Emotiva XDA-2 digital preamp
Adcom GFA-545 amplifier
Harrison Labs PFMod crossover (soon to be replaced by MiniDSP)

I connect my Emotiva to my crossover via RCA male>male adapter, for the best quality. This means I have only 1 interconnect in my entire system (crossover to the amplifier). I have been using these basic Acoustic Research RCA cables. A friend lent me his Aural Thrills and Tara Labs interconnects and I heard a pretty significant difference when replacing my AR cables with them.

So I now plan to buy my own interconnects, and I wanted to come here for your suggestions. Here are some options I’ve come up with, but feel free to add more:

Cardas Crosslink
Audioquest Diamondback
Audioquest King Cobra (same price as Diamondback right now)
Audioquest Colorado (under $175 right now)
Nordost White Lighting (slightly out of budget, but I can pull it off)
DIY DH Labs Pro Studio
DIY VH Audio Silver Interconnects
Edit: Wireworld Equinox 7

I’d like to keep it under $150USD for 1.0M pair.

Again, if there are any other suitable options, feel free to add them. The above list is just some un-educated guesses I threw out there.

Thanks so much!

I'd recommend Audio Sensibility cables....whichever offering fits your budget.
When Audioquest moved production to China and lowered prices to stay competitive they also changed cable names - Python (that had great reviews) became King Cobra, while Viper became Diamondback.  I had Viper (diamondback) and King Cobra.  Both are neutral sounding but King Cobra is more refined.  
Yeah, the King Cobra is available for super-cheap right now on a Black Friday sale at music direct. I might pick it up, as a stepping stone into a better pair.
 +1 Stager Silver Solid.  Very clean, open sound, but you'll think they're too skinny to pass big fat bass notes. They do.

My speakers are high-passed, so sub-bass doesn't really matter. The Aural Thrills I had also had tiny silver conductors. These stagers seem really nice.
i have the Stager's and love them but that's in warmer tube system. That Belden 8402 cable suggestion seems reasonable and what I would try. There is a 1m pair terminated for way under budget and terminated professionally. In fact buy that We16ga speaker cable he has for sale as well and I'm pretty sure that combo would be great at least according to Jeff Day.
Yeah, I'm probably going to pick some of the 8402 up, and build some cables. If I don't like them in my main system, they would be right at home in my desktop system.

My system tends to lean towards the thinner/leaner side, and that's why I'm a little apprehensive about the stagers ibeing a little too bright/thin.
I compared the Stager Silver Solids to Kimber Hero and PBJ, Wireworld Equinox 7, and Decware Silver Reference.  I liked the Stagers best.    I'm using them between a DAC and a tube pre and then out of a tube pre.  The Decware cables were very similar sonically, but cost more so I did not keep them. I must be a fan of silver for RCA cables.  The others sounded less detailed and some were a little bass heavy compared to the silver cables.  That could mean the Stagers will be a little bright in a leaner system.  They do have a trial period so it wouldn't cost more than return shipping to try them.  They ship in a small envelop because of their DIY homemade nature. Easy to send them back.