Starting from scratch, passion for "steals"

For those who don’t like reading long posts:
I want recommendations on equipment, especially speakers, to keep on the lookout for that are SOLID performers for a dedicated 2channel system, that can be found for song (pennies on the dollar for performance equivalents). This opens up to vintage equipment, or more common equipment that can be found for cheap. I’ve got room for floor standing speakers and am not placement restricted, but I am limited with what I can do for sound treatments (baffles/foam etc) so keep that in mind. Jazz, Blues, Alternative, Folk, and some classical, is what will be mainly on this system.. (any of the harder stuff, trance, techno etc, will likely be handled by the HT system downstairs)

Now for those that like to read a stranger’s dribble and blather:

Ok, So as you can tell, I'm new here, and honestly I can’t claim to be an audiophile, as my technical knowledge is enough to know that I don’t really know enough, nor do I have the experience to make that claim. (as in my opinion, one has to be "familiar" with excellent equipment and music to reference what is good.)

Fortunately or rather, unfortunately, for me, though I dont have the technical knowledge and experience of an audiophile, my hearing is, well, as friends and family say, freakish to "unnatural". Now that doesn’t compare with a "trained" ear, but it does mean that I am typically disappointed in my or anyone else’s system, and forced to just make due.

Now, I sold a/v and HT for years in the mid 90s, went through all the training even getting what was the original THX certification for sales and design (useless btw) etc. etc. but the equipment we sold topped out at high consumer/very low high end.. goodguys btw so adcom/denon/polk/klipsch/energy were about as high as our stuff went. Good consumer stuff, but still a "box-store" so to speak. I'll admit that I was one of the more knowledgeable in the whole company when it came to home theater of that age, as I had just finished film school, but audio,.. pure audio,.. is a different beast altogether.

I finally have a home with room to set up a real system (actually more room/rooms than I know what to do with) and am ready to set something up that I can truly enjoy.

Unfortunately, in acquiring this home, and being in the process of almost completely remodeling it, now isnt the time for me to spend 10-40k for audio equipment. In fact many would say now isnt the time to buy anything.

Also I am afflicted with a condition where I just dont feel good about my purchases unless I'm getting something excellent for the price of something average or even less. This leaves me desiring those "hidden gems" and "crazy deals". But to get them in this arena,... I need patience, vigilance, and commitment, which I have, and expertise,.. which I dont have.

So I'm asking here for advice with regards especially to speakers... (as most of you will agree are possibly the most varying factor in a soundsystem)

I want advice on what speakers, vintage or modern, to be on the lookout for, that might fit someone like me. ( I know I’m not going to get Wilson Audio sound,.. or top of the line Martin Logans etc. as I have heard those setups, even though now I wish I hadn’t.. But, my current polk/denon (not either’s top of the line) never really satisfied, even though it was better than many. I’m looking for ideas, and advice from long timers with experience on the performers that don’t necessarily get the attention of the “price is no object” crowd.. Price is a big object right now. Maybe later I can upgrade a piece at a time, but starting from scratch.. It’s a bit overwhelming.. I think most of you have an idea where I’m coming from.

I will also throw in that I am leaning toward a tube amp setup as I, to this day, regret getting rid of my first hand-me-down system that my dad brought back from overseas when he was in the military before I was born. It was an old sansui 1000A which was supposedly a Japan only version, or so I remember that being the excuse for the cost of repair parts, with a TEAC real to real, cant remember phone, but the speakers had custom fabric for the grills so I never knew what they were, but I do remember that they weighed like 40-50lbs each.. Anyway, as taken for granted as that “old junk” was by me, I still yearn for the sound that came from it. Warmth just doesn’t seem to capture what I remember of it.. Although it did heat up quite a bit, and have a smell all its own.. Yeah, I miss that. (especially after just looking it up and seeing that people still like this guy.. I actually think I gave it away) Regardless, I doubt that even the exact thing would live up to the memory, but,. I do like the idea of a tube amp again, though I’m not stuck on it.

Anyway, thanks for reading and any advice you can throw my way.. If none, that’s fine too, I will just continue to scour the rest of the board.
I completely understand your focus on quality for the money. I don’t ever expect to be able to spend thousands for a piece of gear, so have always looked for pieces that were generally conceded to perform as well as competing components that were many multiples of the price.

The option I went with for speakers just last week was Magnepan MMGs at $599. I haven’t had them a week and have nearly talked myself into .7s for $1300.

My CD player is an Onix XCD-88 that I paid $300 for in 2005. It is said to be another of those "best values for the money".

My amplifier is an Adcom GFA-555 that I have had forever. I am replacing the GTP-500 preamplifier with a $49 passive preamp. I would like to try tubes at some point with the Maggies, but like you, I will keep searching for that great value.

Good luck with your adventure.
have you visited any audio dealers in Spokane?

what is your price point - or did I miss that?
The OP wants good bang for buck, and listens to many different styles and ages of music.  That presents a problem, because speakers that excel with Yo yo Ma( highly detailed) will sound plain with old recordings, generally speaking.  To get a speaker that does everything well is a challenge.  The electronics and cables used will help though.

For good dollar value, buying from internet direct companies can be a good option, because the traditional business model is much more expensive.  So for speakers, I'd suggest Ascend Acoustics, and their tower models for the short list.  Very good detail, and probably 35%+ cheaper than what you'd have to pay for the same level of performance in the retail store.  You may or may not want a sub, it might be worth getting used to your new system and then deciding if you want more bass.

Electronics is a little more tricky.  Emotiva is an ID company, but they are not really high end, though they claim to be.  They might be on par with Adcom's lesser stuff or at least I think so after owning 3 of their components(sold it off).  You may have to pay more here, or buy used.  Rotel might be a good option, but I do not know the tube end of the spectrum that well.  I like Parasound Halo gear, they sound on the slightly warm side, and give excellent resolution/detail of the music without being harsh.

Cables are a witches brew.  You can literally spend over 10k, which is ridiculous,  but again with the ID companies some good deals can be had.  Clear Day makes solid silver wire speaker cables that are highly reviewed by owners, as are Stager Silver Solids, interconnect cables to hook everything up.  Both of these companies are small, have small overhead, and therefore offer excellent value over an Audioquest or Kimber cables.  

I bought a pair of the Stagers, and right off the bat it was clearly superior to my $300 cables, so I'm a fan!  Just a few ideas to get you started, take your time and enjoy the ride!
Vintage if you like bipolar sound and a deep soundstage but can accept a less defined pinpoint image:  Shop Ebay @ Craigslist for a pair of Mirage M5si speakers.  Make sure the tweeters are not pushed-in and all 4 drivers in each speaker are firing.  Bring a flashlight to see through the sock or remove the tops and slide the socks down.  M5si have butyl rubber surrounds on the mids so no Roy to worry about.  You'll need a sub; I'd recommend a used Martin-Logan descent or depth, a new Goldenear sub or a used SVS or Hsu research.  

If you wish to avoid a sub, Mirage M3si or M1si are better - but you WILL need to re-foam the midrange drivers as they will be rotten if not already re-foamed.

Mirages require big power, so a tube pre and solid-state main amps are best...used Emotiva XPA-1's will be fine or older vintage good stuff like Bryston, Krell, Pass, etc.

If you need pinpoint imaging, for a new gear  "deal", find some used Goldenear Tritons.  The ones with powered subs are very efficient and run on low output tube gear just fine.


Like you I started out with the Maggie MMG's which absolutely impressed me with their sonics.  Almost immediately I added the MMG bass panel which, IMHO, added little to the performance and was something of a PITA with the additional wiring.  (A REL is a far better choice to complement them.)

I sold those, auditioned the 1.7i's and the .7's together and bought *gasp!* the .7's. No sub added. 

You get a LOT more moving from the MMG to the .7 than you could from the .7 to the 1.7i in my opinion.  For one, size. The 1.7i's are large, and secondly I found the 1.7i's to sound somewhat less articulate. 

Then I picked up a pair of Thiel CS3.5's from a fellow member  Maggies with bass!
I remain a fan of Magnepan and Thiel but for now I'm digging my Thiels like a shovel. Both brands possess some notoriety for being "power hungry" which I've not found to be an issue at the levels I listen at - and I've driven both with high power and moderate power amps, 50 watts, 150 watts, and 300 watts. On the pre-owned market either brand can be true bargains, especially since their owners tend to be rather fussy and take caution and care with them. Maggies do require a tad more inspection when considering them, but finding previously owned pairs from sources such as A'gon is a pretty safe method. 

Good luck!