Geoffkait: No need for all the drama. Vibration control and vibration isolation is a VERY mature science. Not need for hystryonics. Here is a quick study page for vibration isolation from Kinetic Systems.
To which agear replied,
"Not when applied to audio. The LIGO nerds had to optimize one narrow variable (measurement accuracy). That was their output variable. I am still waiting to hear from you or anyone else a corollary in audio. Furthermore, even if you could lock into a given finding, would blinded audio nerds or lay people know the difference? Probably not. You could easily do a blinded season at your local audio society of your magic Walkman versus a stock unit and see what if any differences could be discerned. We all know at this point you are too scared to do that experiment."
I use LIGO as an example of how mass on spring ISO systems can greatly reduce structural vibration. You can draw whatever knucklehead conclusions you wish.
By calling them LIGO nerds and audio nerds one assumes you are jealous of those who actually studied physics in school or are more advanced in this hobby than you are, which judging from your own words isn't saying much.