Like you I started out with the Maggie MMG's which absolutely impressed me with their sonics. Almost immediately I added the MMG bass panel which, IMHO, added little to the performance and was something of a PITA with the additional wiring. (A REL is a far better choice to complement them.)
I sold those, auditioned the 1.7i's and the .7's together and bought *gasp!* the .7's. No sub added.
You get a LOT more moving from the MMG to the .7 than you could from the .7 to the 1.7i in my opinion. For one, size. The 1.7i's are large, and secondly I found the 1.7i's to sound somewhat less articulate.
Then I picked up a pair of Thiel CS3.5's from a fellow member Maggies with bass!
I remain a fan of Magnepan and Thiel but for now I'm digging my Thiels like a shovel. Both brands possess some notoriety for being "power hungry" which I've not found to be an issue at the levels I listen at - and I've driven both with high power and moderate power amps, 50 watts, 150 watts, and 300 watts. On the pre-owned market either brand can be true bargains, especially since their owners tend to be rather fussy and take caution and care with them. Maggies do require a tad more inspection when considering them, but finding previously owned pairs from sources such as A'gon is a pretty safe method.
Good luck!
Like you I started out with the Maggie MMG's which absolutely impressed me with their sonics. Almost immediately I added the MMG bass panel which, IMHO, added little to the performance and was something of a PITA with the additional wiring. (A REL is a far better choice to complement them.)
I sold those, auditioned the 1.7i's and the .7's together and bought *gasp!* the .7's. No sub added.
You get a LOT more moving from the MMG to the .7 than you could from the .7 to the 1.7i in my opinion. For one, size. The 1.7i's are large, and secondly I found the 1.7i's to sound somewhat less articulate.
Then I picked up a pair of Thiel CS3.5's from a fellow member Maggies with bass!
I remain a fan of Magnepan and Thiel but for now I'm digging my Thiels like a shovel. Both brands possess some notoriety for being "power hungry" which I've not found to be an issue at the levels I listen at - and I've driven both with high power and moderate power amps, 50 watts, 150 watts, and 300 watts. On the pre-owned market either brand can be true bargains, especially since their owners tend to be rather fussy and take caution and care with them. Maggies do require a tad more inspection when considering them, but finding previously owned pairs from sources such as A'gon is a pretty safe method.
Good luck!