Anybody here terminate DH Labs BL-1 cable?

I want to make sure I'm terminating these correctly.
They have 2 conductors, a drain wire and a shield.

For unbalanced RCA termination, 1 wire for signal, 1 wire for ground, and combine the drain on the ground wire?
Is that correct? Or is the drain only used for balanced connections?

Dude, thanks or that list! A great starting point for me. 

I could conceivably do helix speaker cables since I only need 5 ft cables.. Though might length differences in the + & - adversely affect the sound? I understand why they won't in the power circuit, but I don't know enough about the speaker output circuit to know if length differences matter. Do you?
Again, thanks for the knowledge.
Todd - The extended length of the neutral conductor will not impact SQ at all - in the grand scheme of things, when you are travelling at close to the speed of light - a few  extra feet is nothing.

What's more important in the helix design is the low capacitance and inductance and their ability to reject EMI/RFI.

You will notice that for the power cable and the IC's, the neutral conductor is thicker than the signal/live conductor - so adhere to that design point.

For Speaker cables I would try a high quality solid copper conductor of 14 gauge  and for the neutral I would use two 14 gauge stranded standard quality conductors  (equivalent to 11 gauge)

Keep me posted as to how you get on


I'm using DH Labs BL-1 between my Creep CDP and amp and a DH Labs power cord for my amp.. but not Thiel speakers.
I was using Neat Motive 3 and now experimenting with Monitor Audio GX50