directional cables?

My IC cables are directional, with arrows pointing the way they should be hooked-up. Q: Should they run with the arrows pointing to my cd player, or to my integrated amp? Thanks.
I've worked in electronics all my life (and I'm old), and I can say that Simply_Q has explained the theory of electric current flow exceptionally well.  It is clear from his explanations, he understands the subject well, and is formally educated in the subject.  

On the other hand, it also appears abundantly clear that Herman does not understand electric current flow.  It appears his electronic theory understanding has all come from the internet.  Not saying you can't get good info from the net, but I am saying you can't get anywhere close to the understanding you would get from a degree in electronics or physics. 
Herman - you are out of your league in this discussion - you need to listen and learn from Simply_Q.
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Current does not flow - current IS.  Same as current in the river is a flow of water (current does not flow - water flows) current in the wire is a flow of electric charge.  Wire creates electromagnetic field but transports charges and not the energy.  Energy is transferred thru electromagnetic field from the source to the load.  Direction of the transfer is determined by the Poynting Vector.  
The load has some voltage drop in it, hence electric field. Together with magnetic field, this brings the energy in. Same way, the source generates voltage and, together with magnetic field, this brings the energy out.

In coax wire all energy is transferred as electromagnetic field thru dielectric between wire and the shield.  More info in "Poynting Field".

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The second link is kaput. The first link is just a rehash of the same old song and dance and is non-responsive to the OP question of directionality.