A CD/SACD player to beat Oppo 105D at similar price range?

My old CD player does not play SACD, so I am looking for an upgrade.
I don't intend to use DVD or Blue Ray.
I might be interested in a port for USB (to play ipod, ...).
Which player would be as good as oppo 105 or 105D in sound? The reason why I chose oppo for comparison is that I once had an Arcam FMJ CD23. I compared it to my friend's oppo 105, and oppo 105 did sound noticeably better to me.
Any suggestion?

I have a Oppo 105D. It is a great universal player. I use it for movies, video concerts, as a connection to my cable box, Tidal, Pandora and to connect with my NAS. I find it does a good job with CDs and SACDs but not as good as a dedicated quality CD/SACD player at a higher price level. I prefer my Esoteric player for that duty.
the Oppo is a fine "catch all". It does not impress as a stand alone CD/SACD player.  Like mcgal suggests, I enjoy the Esoteric DV-50/60 for SACD playback only. I did not care for its rbcd playback.

The Arcam FMJ series are very good cd spinners. There are a plethora of sub-$1k cd players, especially, used/demo in the marketplace.
Watch Audiogon, Audio Asylum Trader and eBay to effect.
Keep me posted- ihcho
best advice- get out to your local dealer/retailer and listen, listen, listen.
I have the marantz 8005 SACD and Yamaha s1000 both good, you can't go wrong either one.