I'm pretty much on the same search. I currently have an el34 integrated that I like better in ultralinear than triode, and my speakers are fairly custom and around 91db efficient. I think I mainly needed the extra power of ultralinear. I want the new amp to be my one and last great amplifier.
I've narrowed my list down to a BAT 75SE, used REX (some say it's dark), Audio Research 75se, Mc275 series 6, or just pump extra money into the new VAC 200iq. I want that dynamic, liquid sound of a greal tube amp, and hope I can drive it strait from a Benchmark Dac2 HGC.
I'll be interested in the suggestions and your decision, and will share anything I discover.
I'm pretty much on the same search. I currently have an el34 integrated that I like better in ultralinear than triode, and my speakers are fairly custom and around 91db efficient. I think I mainly needed the extra power of ultralinear. I want the new amp to be my one and last great amplifier.
I've narrowed my list down to a BAT 75SE, used REX (some say it's dark), Audio Research 75se, Mc275 series 6, or just pump extra money into the new VAC 200iq. I want that dynamic, liquid sound of a greal tube amp, and hope I can drive it strait from a Benchmark Dac2 HGC.
I'll be interested in the suggestions and your decision, and will share anything I discover.