Is the Maestro AC outlet basically a cryo'd Cooper BR20 found at Lowes for $3.47?

Quote from an AA member regarding the Maestro AC outlet. 

Image: Cooper BR20 AC Outlet

I think it’s safe to assume the Maestro AC outlet is a Cooper brand product that’s essentially the same or similar to the Cooper BR20 Commercial Grade AC outlet available at Lowe’s for $3.47. If so, the Maestro AC outlet is nothing more than an ordinary hardware store product that’s been cryo’d and treated with a sweet smelling, sticky substance (snake oil?). Perhaps this unknown coating is what can supposedly make a $3.47 AC outlet sound superior to a Furutech or Oyaide product. Sorry for the snarky commentary, but this type of thing can affect the reputation of bonafide Audio Grade AC products. I’m sure you will fully enjoy the new Furutech GTX-D(R) AC outlet, bcowen!

See link:


Here is the full Tweakers Asylum thread.


Post removed 
Thank for the update.

I am glad my ears are not failing me and no other users had this impression on what i was hearing or impressions.

Though system dependent, these characteristics do somehow manifest in any systems, especially given the experience and similar outlets we have used before provides a good base.

The NCF has an uncanny naturalness that imparts to the sound, if overdone or used incorrectly, can start sounding somewhat very slightly mellow and less attack when required, yet retain a superb organic rightness over ANY outlet i have used before.

I attribute this to the NCF composition, there is a uber NCF wall plate now which i am certain can have a HUGH impact sonically towards this all natural sound.

So please i am not looking forward to a $399 Purple outlet in future! The Tesla was their best effort at a reasonable price too. A well combined use of different outlets will gain the best results! 
I agree that the Tesla SE was their best outlet. And I don’t think it was due to my system, although I do think that if someone’s system has been built to achieve a ’pleasing’ result, then the outlets we employ will also slant the sound.
That the Black has the sonic signature we both hear - given we have different systems - is, I think, a matter of careful observation. I used different setups (as a matter of course), with the only set item being the speakers, which have a lift in the upper midrange. If the Black was neutral, the "lift" would have been evident. That it was not is indicative of there being less upper midrange/lower treble. And the dynamics in that region just did not ’jump’ as they did in the Tesla (even if it overdid it a little). It is less organic than the NCF. Clearly so.

The NCF unit I placed in the system last Friday is, hourly, still going thru its breaking in, which is easily heard at lower volumes, which I do simply to see if lyrics are clearer, especially the letters "d", which, at the end of a word, will be ’swallowed up’ as though someone was talking with a mouth full of food. Even only a week into burn in, I find myself listening to music, not focusing on the sound, which I could not quite do with the Black unit. I think your use of the word ’organic’ is excellent verbiage. I know there is a market for the Black unit, and I am sure it will do well for those who prefer a more ’pleasant’ sound (and nothing wrong with that).