What speaker cables can complete with Audience 24e or 24e SE for less $$

Looking to replace my Harmonic Technology Pro 11 + speaker cables whose girth and size are too awkward for my current living space.

Therefore, I have considered Audience 24e or the 24e SE speaker cable, but even  the used prices for 6 ft pair with banana plugs is over  $1100 on Used Cables.com and more on AG 

Therefore, I need some recommendations for less bulky speaker cable that offer the same quality of sound of the Audience cable, or close to it for less money. Obviously, I will only buy used to expand my dollar range

Speakers are Golden Ear Technology model 7's:

Pre-amp:  CJ PV-14L SE; 

Amp: BAT VK 200 ( 100RMS) 

Thank you,  SJ



Thanks to those who responded in the last two days.

To shadorne.   Again, good points especially about upgrading speakers as long as you have good basic speaker wire.

I did not want to start a new thread regarding the following comments I have often heard from members:

"Don't try to tailor the sound quality of a speaker with either speaker cables and/or interconnects between key source components" 

That might quality as "good common sense" advice, in some instances, but  I can characterize the sound of several different brands of speaker cable I have owned since 1988. that made "notable" improvements in the sound quality, and they were not necessarily big bucks wires or ICs.

There were no night and day differences, except for "switching out"  my long term " GO TO" interconnect, the  Audiomagic Spellbinder II interconnect (used first  between amp and pre-amp, and then consistently between pre-amp and a Rega Apollo CD player)... with the  CHORD CAMELEON  IC.  Every CD sounded smoother with much less glare and digital artifacts.

I can also tell the improvements in coherency across the board using two  previous generations  back,  Harmonic Technology Pro 11+ speaker cable. My other speaker cable I occasionally switch to is Grover Huffman Z series speaker cable ( I don't know its generation history) Unlike, the HT Pro 11+  the GH speaker cable is more dynamic, forward in the midrange, with deep bass, yet a touch of zingy but non-fatiguing highs. 

I don't switch out these cables to "TAILOR THE SOUND"  but because I like what each offers separately. However,  I do prefer the overall balance of the HT Pro11+ 

Therefore, I don't subscribe to the "school of thought" claimed in the above  paragraph # 4  We all search for the sound quality we want to hear by different paths..... Cheers.  SJ

Very well said, Jim. Maybe you should contact Grover Huffman regarding his latest speaker cables. I have his Empress ICs and love them; neutral, dynamic, with a smooth top-end.
(60 day trial period).
Ask for audition with money back guarantee the Physic Harmonic
(Andreas Pollakis) 
He is a member of aca.gr and you can find him there or on Facebook.
His cables can bring out the best of any amp & speaker combo.
I can't find any better yet.
Whatever you buy/try, get someone, or better some people,  with a good ear(s) and have the courage to do a double blind comparison, especially if you try the "WE 10ga wire" option. I did something like that and the surprising consensus was Auvio 12 g premium speaker cable that I picked up on sale at Radioshack for about $1/ft. This stuff is 50% POCC and 50% silver coated POCC. Unfortunately, I don't think you can get this exact brand any longer.

Here is an interesting measurement article:
Sunnyjim  be patient Paul from Clear day cable can easily make you one.Very very nice guy.