Please help me decide.

I currently have a Sony 36" XBR CRT. A neighbor is selling his 40" XBR for a 50" LCD/Plasma. What would be a fair offer on my part since he said he would sell it anywhere from $500-$700 including the stand which cost $500.
I wanted to aquire a 57" DLP, but would keep the 40" for about a year until I bought something else.
Personally, I'd just stay put and wait... but if a couple more inches is important to you give the man what he is asking for or $600. That's exactly between 500 & 700.

Of course if the deal is for 500 just for the TV... and 700 for all, then I'd say depending on the man's nature and the age of the TV... give him 650.00.

He is a 'neighbor', afterall. It pays to keep relations with folks close to you in good order.

My first thought however is to wait and get what you want as just a couple inches wouldn't be enough for me to make the move.... unless the 40 is newer & or in better shape.
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I would save your money for a quality plasma. I had the Sony XBR and bought a Pioneer 50" plasma. Best money I ever spent. If you buy the 40" XBR you are only going to get a plasma or an alternative flat screen HDTV anyway. Be patien