Hi Guido,
Very good summary of the evolution of class D over the last few decades. I've become familiar with your thorough knowledge of most things class D over the last few years and I'll take your word for it that early class D amps did suffer from some of the ills that the op and george have discussed.. Luckily, I avoided the early disappointments by not using class D until the last 2-3 yrs. I've experienced no high frequency harshness, brightness or any other negative treble qualities and thought they were referring to more recent class D amps.
I'm not a fan of bright sounding amps of any type and, if any of the class D amps I currently use shared any of those qualities, I would not have kept them and definitely would not be recommending them to anyone.
Guido said::
"Please note that exactly like proclaiming that all class D amplifiers are inherently flawed constitutes a logical fallacy, so would be the assertion of the opposite... Reality is, that with all topologies, some amps will meet our particular taste in music reproduction, some will miss by a country mile, and some will be somewhere in between."
I agree with your summation completely.I think you're correct, the reason I enjoy my current D-Sonic M3-600M amps so much is because they match my taste in musical reproduction so well:
Very good bass response that is deep, solid but also nuanced when required.
Very low noise floor that enables details to be heard.
Powerful for good dynamics and a relaxed and effortless quality on all content that allows music to sound very natural and life-like.
Dense, solid and stable imaging that allows for the illusion of a 3-D sound stage both laterally and front to back.
A smooth mid-range and treble that also manages to be highly detailed.
A generally accurate and neutral presentation that is capable of conveying warmth when it's contained in the music and captured on the recording.
This is a summary of what I hear when I listen to my class D amps. It is a combination that suits my tastes well but I realize may not suit others tastes and I realize not everyone will even .hear the same qualities from these amps in their system and room. as I do in mine, it's to be expected.