Tube Power Amp Suggestions

I have been looking for a tube power amp. Ideally I want to have about 40 to 70 watts output power, with sound qualities as close to a delicate SET amp as possible, with lots of details, fast, good tone (a tiny bit on the warm side) and imaging, yet with good bass and dynamic. Budget is about 10,000. Second-hand is fine. I know I am asking really too much and will probably get negative response because of this. I just want to get the best within my budget.    
My initial considerations are EAR 890 or EAR 861. What do you think?      
I heard people saying that push-pull amp can be better than SET if it is implemented well, but push-pull is more difficult to make than a SET amp.    
My speakers are measured 91db sensitivity, but it needs power to perform well. I have tried both a SET 300B XLS output at 13W and a push-pull EL34 at about 35W. My impression is as follow:            
- SET 300B XLS output at 13W: more delicate and smooth, better resolution and density, lack bass and dynamic       
- Push-pull EL34 at 35W: much more bass and dynamic, sounds a bit coarse, less 3-dimensional and delicate     
Thank you in advance for your input. 

After trying EAR, CAT and ARC I landed on Octave.  The MRE 220's with SBB.  They are stellar and everyone in our local audio group rave about them.
hi bigdish,
70 watts seem a bit too much for your drivers, but higher wattage and power reserv is always good in any case, whether to escape distortion level or to provide for future speaker upgrades. 
So, if you insist with 70W, I do not hesitate a second to very highly recommend the Coincident Dragon MkII. I own them and have paired them with several speakers, the results are all just great, if not absolutely wonderful. They are 211 tubes push pull, DHT mono amps, have tremendous power, deep powerful bass, full resolution, dynamic, notes are to die for. Really a winner. But please note: use the right preamp (good quality SS with high current capacity and low output impedance). Use the WE211 tubes from Psvane, they make a big difference, and finally and not the least, they need lots of break-in. If you're not happy with these, i'll stop making these notes...!
Look at a used VAC great sound wonderful co Kevin Hayes is honest makes a great amp.


The reason I usually prefer smaller names is simple. Many sound much better. Plus you are purchasing from a smaller company that is in many cases owned and run by an individual who is passionate about what they do, about the music about the products they produce. Larger companies are driven more by the profit motive. Not necessarily a bad thing but know that there are more hands dipping into the pie. They spend money on advertising, marketing

Secondly my experience has been the smaller companies are more committed to servicing their customers. Better service. They have fewer customers and each one is more important to them and is usually the best form of advertising. Word of mouth. 

Soundrealaudio I could not agree more. My exact experience over the past 35 years.