Anybody here terminate DH Labs BL-1 cable?

I want to make sure I'm terminating these correctly.
They have 2 conductors, a drain wire and a shield.

For unbalanced RCA termination, 1 wire for signal, 1 wire for ground, and combine the drain on the ground wire?
Is that correct? Or is the drain only used for balanced connections?

BL-1 is easily the best bang-for-the-buck IC out there.  Assembled my own with Bullet Plugs a few years back, and couldn't be happier !  Super high resolution silver-coated, but you can listen ALL DAY w/o ear fatigue.  That is a difficult combination go get right.
This is quite interesting actually. 

I built 2 IC's, one with Mogami W2534 and Neutrik Profi, and one with BL-1 and Furutech FP-126.

Listening with my Senn HD650 (Creek 5350SE amp + Creek Destiny CDP) the BL-1 is very bright, even harsh sometimes.
This is odd because the Destiny is a very smooth player and the HD650 have the reputation of being rolled off the top.
At first I thought this was because of a recent recap of the CDP, but I dont have this issue with the Mogami IC.

I am reluctant to conclude that the BL-1 could have such an impact, but there is no doubt that the sound is harsh with that cable. It is very noticable (painful in the ear at moderate volumes), and that is not the case with the Mogami.

Wondering also if the Furutech RCA may be the difference here and not the cable