Phono Preamp with Optical/Coaxial Output

I am looking for a phono preamp to connect directly to my DAC. If I do this then I can use my existing preamp (Campbridge Audio Azur 851N). Otherwise, I will need to buy a new preamp. I’ve been Googling and can’t seem to find anything. I did find this ( by PS Audio but it’s more than I want to pay. I would want it under $500. Thanks.

EDIT:  Maybe I could use a Sprout?
If the analog to digital conversion is done well enough, I am not convinced you are losing a lot. The other benefits that my DEQX's speaker and room correction provide me certainly outweigh any minimal degradation (if any) that might come from digitizing that signal through the DEQX. Of course, the sound quality will also depend a lot on the quality of your DAC as well. Blasphemy, I know.

Since my signal is already being digitized, I have also become interested in the possibility of digitally applying the RIAA curve, which some (usually those selling devices that can do this) suggest has sonic benefits compared to applying the RIAA in the analog domain. 
At the end of the day I still have to pony up either way, so I'm going to leave the 851N digital preamp on system #1 and work on building system #2.  I'm not sure what you said in the second paragraph :)