Hi jafant,
The guy I bought the Stage 1 from had gotten a Stage 3 in the meantime and I exchanged--plus some extra dough.
OMG... the Stage 3 (S3) is absolutely phenomenal sounding. The Stage 1 sounded veiled by comparison, but yet still sounded really good; especially when comparing to the Oppo 95 and I actually preferred the Stage 1 due to it sounding more musical and "analog." The S3 on the other hand just opens everything up so much, yet retains composure of not sounding digital. Very smooth, very musical. My buddy and I are planning another test comparison between the S3 and 95 to see if there is a greater disparity--which there should clearly be.
The guy I bought the Stage 1 from had gotten a Stage 3 in the meantime and I exchanged--plus some extra dough.
OMG... the Stage 3 (S3) is absolutely phenomenal sounding. The Stage 1 sounded veiled by comparison, but yet still sounded really good; especially when comparing to the Oppo 95 and I actually preferred the Stage 1 due to it sounding more musical and "analog." The S3 on the other hand just opens everything up so much, yet retains composure of not sounding digital. Very smooth, very musical. My buddy and I are planning another test comparison between the S3 and 95 to see if there is a greater disparity--which there should clearly be.