Recommendations Speaker Cable For Dynaudio S3.4LE

Any owner of Dynaudio S3.4LE, what is your recommendations for the speaker cable?

I loved my Dynaudio's, and thought I'd never get rid of them, but a couple of things conspired against my keeping them. One was a great curiosity regarding tube amps, which the Dyn's were not really suited for, and the other, a feeling of unfinished business with Tannoy's. I had lost my Tannoy speakers due to an unfortunate turn in my personal life, and had never been totally happy with my DIY execution of 12" MG's in homemade plywood cabinets.

I sold my 5.4's, bought some 12" HPD drivers from Ebay UK, and set about building the best custom cabinets, crossovers, and even put new woofer cones with custom hard edge surrounds, as in the current Prestige series drivers.

The result is something far and away superior to what the Contour 5.4s ever were. I'm set for life now, for however long that may be.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


look into Cardas. What other gear, including cabling, is in your system?