Power Cable DIY - Please advise


Im planning on building a pair of DIY power cables, I have shortlisted a few cables and connectors, please feel free to recommend which one to purchase.

Furutech FP TCS31
Acoustic Revive Powermax 10000
Acrolink ???
NeoTech NEP 3200

connectors... Furutech FI 28/E38 or FI50 gold or rhodium??

Thanks in Advance

- NEP-3200 has a better pronounced lower side of mid-range frequencies. This fact not only in cables but also in preamp/amp gives that impression that you hear a strong bass. High Frequencies are less pronounced. IEGO male 8085 is better suited for this cable, because it has more open HF compared to Furutech male plugs. FI-28 Rhodium gave more HF but created a less balanced sound. Using Neotech male Gold connector with their narrow sizes is a hassle on assembling for this hefty PC.

- I used NEP 3002 and 3003, and found 3003 is more open especially for front-end and preamps. I bought 3 Neotech PC and connector that I assembled my self. There is direction on this PC to put IEC which needs to be aware of.  They are very dynamic and are better that those High-Fidelity Power cords ($3000) that had for a demo! In my experience, spending money on high-priced power cords is non-sense.

Another comment, based on my experience, IEGO male gold connector is not a good match with Furutech GTX-R. It creates much less dynamic sound. The best match to keep better dynamic is to use GTX-R with Fi-28R and Fi-25R or even FI-15R! Matching Outlet metal with Male Plug is very important.

Real (!!!???)  Sonarquest plugs are not bad neither. Comared to IEGO, even in shape and mounting holes for inserting cables are totally different!!  The ones I bought from WWW.Sonarquest.net  where the fake ones. I had to request a refund from Paypal! The shape on IEC could tell you about real or fake ones!!

hope that would help


What a complete load of navel gazing. All you need is cable that conducts sufficient current not to get warm when in use.Spend your money elsewhere.
Through the years, I have read all the posts concerning expensive power cords and such. We all want better sound, but I can't get my head around how an expensive power cord in series with house romex wiring and power amps and such can possibly improve the sound.  Good quality receptacles and plugs, as well as the proper gauge of wire IS important, but putting a short piece of expensive wire in series between your power source and your equipment and expecting an improvement in the quality of sound, is lost on me. 
Like you, I'm lost why this last/first piece of power conductor can have an impact on sound. Several www searches have not answered that question - people write about this subject but I did not find any explanation that would describe the physics behind the effect. Just a few days ago out of curiosity I started experimenting in my system with a DIY power cord and replaced a Black Sand Violet Z1 MK2 power cord. The results shocked me - because they were not just noticeable, but extremely critical. Largest impact had CD playback. The DIY power cord produced a relaxed and analog-like sound from CD that I had not yet experienced (in my system from CD). After this first wake up experiment I started to build cables for other components with similar effects in overall impact on sound. I even burned a CD for a friend to demo the difference - recorded from vinyl onto CD I changed power cords of phonostage and CD recorder and left everything else unchanged. A/B tracks on CD can be changed with the press of a button and you  an easily hear the difference. I'll be glad to burn a demo CD - anyone interested?
However, my point is that just because nobody was able yet to scientifically explain a certain phenomenon it does not mean that it does not exist. If scientists like Einstein would have thought this way, we would still be drawing on cave walls. Curiosity is the fuel on the way to wisdom ...