Killer Floor Standing Speakers under $4000 for Rock?

polling all ears (subjective I suppose) but would like to hear you people who have heard fairly high end speaker that kick ass in clarity for mostly Rock/ Fusion Jazz at high volumes with killer clean power .

I currently have a :
Marantz PM-11S1 Integrated amp
SVS SB-1000 Sub
NHT 2.3 Towers
Technics SL15

Klipsch/Paradigm/Infinity/B&W/Dynaudio/PSB ???
Gotta give another thumbs up to Legacy Audio Focus 20/20's. There was a comment about driving them with SS not measuring up to tubes. Can't comment on the tubes but my Plinius SA-103 sounds awesome through them!
@falconquest  - have to agree. I've driven our FOCUS SEs with McCormack DNA-1, Wyred 4 Sound mAMP monoblocks, and even a Sanders ESL. I have yet to try tubes, but I'm consistently blown away by the performance of Bill's loudspeakers with solid state.
My system is more modest than many here -- a pair of Klipsch Forte Is ($300) powered by a McIntosh MA6200 integrated amp ($1700) -- but it rocks out in a most satisfactory fashion.  If you have a big room and two real corners, Klipschorns would give you all the rock you ever wanted and more.  Alternately you could find a pair of Choruses, which are the Fortes' big brothers, or go legacy with Cornwalls or La Scalas. 
There is a pair of GE Triton 1 speakers for sale here at 4100.00.  (not affiliated with the seller)  As an owner of the GE Triton 1 speakers myself, I can most emphatically say they do wonders for Rock.