Once Upon A Time In...

Today the first time I'm watching the "US version" of "Once Upon A Time In America" by F Copollo and realize why it wasn't accepted by the US public. There is more than half of movie is so BRUTALLY cut. Aren't we have a mature audience here? In Europe this movie was shown uncut to young adults 16 y.o. or above and none would believe that it would initiate serious society problems. Why shouldn't We understand it right and what is our guilt to be banned from real art?
Phil, What about Godfather? Star Wars?
Once Upon A Time In America is generally ~2x the length of an average Hollywood movie but all you have to do is just spare the time, sit and watch from beginning to the end where every episode MAKES sence no matter how long it takes. There is no such strong acts of violence as it was in Casino for example. There were only two exposed sexual episodes: first with cop's naked butt being fotographed during an intercourse with minor and second exposed women's body inside the funeral transporter(they were all cut of course). The rest of episodes with sexual content was not exposed but was spoken among the kids and adults as well(also cut).
Here is a secret
‘Once Upon A Time In America’ available on DVD.
As many of titles not currently made in US. ‘Produces’ for example…

Check out dvdbrazil.com

I don’t know about quality, but I guess it should be better than VHS.
Be careful buying import DVDs. May not play on a US player even if it sais "all codes" (which also means it is probably bootleg). Quality is sometimes bad as well.
recently bought DVD Star Wars Trilogy on eBay and was careful about the version, there were several. the copy is excellant but I think the US release will be better when it finally happens. better I mean audio/video quality, additional content, and packaging. however I am real happy with the purchase

you can get the same version somewhere from $50 (unless you are lucky) to $100...I split the difference and did $75 includes shipping deal...a little high but I am a big fan and most were selling for right around there and this was no hassle...if interested email and I will tell you the version.

probably find the same thing with this film and others

I don't know about the running time of the film being a Hollywood nightmare. Remember that some of the most popular (and successful) films of all-time are long one's. I'm thinking Ben-Hur, GWTW, Lawrence of Arabia and as more recent examples go, how about Dances With Wolves or (the highest grossing movie of all) Titanic - I guess even Lord..Rings would fall in here. True, they can't show it as often during the day but this is usually countered by the number of prints and screens it is being shown on. I think the thing with "Once Upon a time.." might have been the (ill-perceived) notion that it would be "offensive" to Americans as Americans - if you know what I mean. Don't know for sure but definately a fine film!