Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Excellent! thieliste,

I knew I had at least (1) CS 7.2 owner that contributed to our thread.

Happy Listening!

my reference Power amp, until, I can get some audition time w/ Pass Labs
is the Conrad Johnson (CJ) Premier 350SA.  This is a beast! Gorgeous as well.
I'm shopping for another tube pre for my CS6's, last_lemming, so thanks for your input re the BAT3ix; that particular model is available I think on Audiogon. As for the Trump-priced Classic, I would think it would indeed sound as wonderful as it looks! My 6's are doing very nicely with my Krell fpb 250m monoblocks. And a plain old fpb 300 was fantastic on my 2.4's. Highly recommend Krell for the high current needed to drive the later Thiels. Of all the Thiels I've owned, the 6's are my favorites. Can't wait to try either a passive preamp (ordered a Schitt Saga) or that BAT 3x or ix. I'm also going to try the Lightspped Attenuator just for fun. I presently have a Transcendent Grounded Grid with the Krell monos into the CS6's. But who wants to spend just over a thousand bucks on a tube preamp? Must not sound as nice as BAT or AR or CJ....right? I'll know soon enough. So far the biggest bargain in Audio was the Grounded Grid. Maybe the Schitt will be an even greater bargain!