Killer Floor Standing Speakers under $4000 for Rock?

polling all ears (subjective I suppose) but would like to hear you people who have heard fairly high end speaker that kick ass in clarity for mostly Rock/ Fusion Jazz at high volumes with killer clean power .

I currently have a :
Marantz PM-11S1 Integrated amp
SVS SB-1000 Sub
NHT 2.3 Towers
Technics SL15

Klipsch/Paradigm/Infinity/B&W/Dynaudio/PSB ???
If you want to rock out please check out aperion verus grand 2. They never get harsh only better with volume.

Amazing customer service. 
dsnyder0cnn:  FWIW, I am always surprised by how good my brother's vintage Cerwin-Vega speakers sound, powered by a modest Denon AVR and mid-fi sources.  You would think they would be bright and distorted (the California sound?), but they are actually pretty good - reasonably smooth highs, fair detail retreaval, and decent transients.  I can't judge soundstage because of the processed surround sound, and deep bass is handled by a powered sub, but, still, they surprise me every other year when i visit for Thanksgiving.  Note that the speakers you linked have soft-dome tweeters, not what you'd expect from Cerwin Vega, but there you go.
If a speaker is good for rock its also good at jazz and classical. There is no such thing as a speaker that does rock better than other forms of music. This is one of the biggest myths in audio.

About all that is being said here is that a speaker needs to play loud and with bass. You need that for classical too. So what is desired just sounds like the best speaker for under $4k that is easy to drive and plays bass.
They don't "look" the part of rock speaker, but the loudest, most clear sounding speaker I've had in my home is the Gemme Audio Tanto V2. Quite efficient with a clean and clear sound, my amps would break a sweat before the speakers would. The transmission line design also offers great bass response. There's no crossover to damage if you rock out too hard and replacement drivers are fairly inexpensive and available as off the shelf units from Madisound. There's a pair on canada's audio mart right now that are under your budget. (no affiliation with seller). Definitely worth a look...I wish I hadn't sold mine.