Audio Research Reference 150 and Sonus Faber Cremona

How would this amplifier pair with my Cremonas, original floor standing model? Currently using Classe CA-M300 mono locks, but am tempted to try a tube power amplifier. Using ARC LS-27 preamp.

Cremona's are rated at 4Ohms but with a fairly hard to drive phase angle, so I'm not sure how well this tube amp will work. The Classes are rated 300/600 Watts into 8/4 Ohms

Thanks guys. The Classe amps have bi-polar output, and I like a mountain of bass, or maybe more precisely I like bass that will rattle the foundations when it's in the music, so I'll stand pat for now. 

Hmmm, maybe those Olympics III's or maybe the Sabrina's by WA. 

for cheaper money, Rogue Audio, is a sonic match for SF loudspeakers.
Happy Listening!
A pair of Pass amps have come up for would XA160.5 mono blocks pair with Cremona's? Overkill? Would the Cremona's be up to these great amps?
@fundsgon ,any updates on trying a tube amp?  I have found my ARC Classic 120s to perform nicely in reality.  We can drive ourselves crazy with theory and other's opinions.  Bottom line ARC tube amps are worth the trial in our system.

@georgehifi.....have you actually had a REF 150 connected in your system?