i do not nessesarily agree....
first we have the problem of what it
was mixed and mastered to sound like....so IF the studio is using NS1000
as the be all end all monitor well...the reults are going to vary...or a
big JBL with a 8" or larger paper cone mid with breakup and ringing
including sigificant out of phase 2nd order distortion ( that junk also
counts as output...er efficiency...but that is a shall we say dirty
My theory and it is shared is the lower distortion pistonic
systems are truth tellers and they lay bare the recording and a lot of
rock sounds really crappy on them...
hence some of the popularity of old tube stuff with tones of higher order distortion to add back in..
...And If the studio didn't use that particular loudspeaker? A lot don't! Some use Westlake, some JBL, some ATC, some Snell, some even Magnaplanar. IOW the monitor thing is all over the map. We use High Emotion Audio.
If you try to generalize with rock you meet a dead end. Some of it is recorded live, some in the same studio that yesterday was recording an acoustic jazz section. In fact studios have to stay in business and can't be too picky about what type of music they record!
BTW, tube electronics in general as compared to solid state tends to have **less** 'higher order distortion' (I assume you mean higher order harmonic distortion), which is why tubes tend to sound smoother.