agear, if you like the sound of analog tape and vinyl, then you like the sound of distortion. That’s fine! But it’s not high fidelity. Recording and mixing engineers add the amount of distortion they think is "musical" when they make the recordings. Everything doesn’t get distortion added! But some stuff does. If you like the sound of even more distortion, maybe you should take up recording and mixing as a hobby so you can dial in what you want in controlled amounts?
There is nothing jarring about digital audio. In controlled tests people are unable to tell when a 44/16 "bottleneck" is inserted into an analog playback chain. This is well known and well documented. The key is "controlled tests" which apparently many people here are unfamiliar with. :->)
There is nothing jarring about digital audio. In controlled tests people are unable to tell when a 44/16 "bottleneck" is inserted into an analog playback chain. This is well known and well documented. The key is "controlled tests" which apparently many people here are unfamiliar with. :->)