Need recomendation for an IC to fill out and enrich the sound between amp and pre-amp.

Don't what level  to start looking for a quality IC compatible IC with a Conrad Johnson PV-14L pre-amp and a BAT amp to fill out the sound.  I opted for an all RCA pre-amp because I got a good deal on the CJ, and did not want to wait for a mixed BAT XLR and RCA pre-amp, or that of another brand.  I did a lot of looking over 4 months

So the advantage of lower noise using the XLR to XLR interconnect is no longer in play, and I am still using a Signal Audio Cable XLR to RCA to connect the amp to the pre-amp.  It cost about $59, not that price matters. It sounds good with the components, BUT, I think I can buy a much better  RCA to RCA  IC that will deliver a much fuller and richer sound.   As good as Signal Cable IC is, it seems to lack a fullness in the lower to middle midrange, and also the soundstage could be wider and deeper. 

I realize it could be the CJ pre-amp or the mix of CJ  which is 10 years old but was upgraded to the SE version Despite what I said, it sounds very good. 

Therefore, I would like recommendations for an interconnect that may accomplish what I described above before getting on "The Cable Company loaner library IC merry go round.  A  $200-$300 "USED" price range is my budget.   Thank you, SJ     



Thanks to all who have responded so far. I may have ask this same question a few months ago

To Almarg, I think I need to put my glasses on, because as you noted before, the BAT VK-200 only has XLR inputs.  They DO have RCA outputs but that is not going to help my case.  

 I did see in the AG "Cable Category" that JW Cables who uses a cryo-treatment on both his speaker wire and interconnects offers an XLR to RCA cable. along with standard RCA to RCA and XLR to XLR.  I am sure other brands that other members have recommended, like Wireworld or Transparent may offer similar mixed connector IC's

I know about the reverse polarity requirement of the CJ PL14L;  I owned a CJ PV-8 pre-amp back in 1988, and had to reverse the speaker leads. Therefore, the speakers are in correct phase. 

As far as rolling the tubes, the member who sold me the PV-14L SE  claimed that when he had the CJ do the "SE" upgrade, they retubed the unit with M8080 tubes.  . He claimed they have about 1000 hours on them, but were rated for 5000 to 10,000 hours.  I have to recheck with him about the tubes. 

Lastly, I need to look at your 2nd paragraph more closely about using the Jensen Transformer which I want to avoid, not because of the cost, but I don't want to add another freakin box to the system.  Also, I am not sure I completely understand the  RCA and XLR  IC arrangement you explained above.  Nevertheless, I will keep you and others posted..  

Happy Holidays to all......SJ 


Also, I am not sure I completely understand the RCA and XLR IC arrangement you explained above.
Hi Jim,

"Its" in that paragraph refers to the Jensen transformer.  Saying it a little differently, RCA cables from preamp to transformer, and short XLR cables from transformer to amp.

Model PI-2RX would be suitable.  You can find it here for $20 less than if you were to order it directly from Jensen.  Note that in the drop-down box near the bottom of the page the input connector choice should be changed from the default selection of XLR (which corresponds to model PI-2XX) to RCA (which corresponds to PI-2RX).

-- Al

Almarg.  Thank you again for the information about the Jensen Transformer

I have 3 ways to go; 1) BAT no lower has adapters, and suggested Cardas adapters. Victor K. at BAT did say I was better off with  "what I have now" that is, the Signal Cable that is RCA (out) to XLR input.  Therefore,  I think he endorses the concept of a mixed connector IC, then using adapters 

2)  JW Audio Cable emailed me back regarding its ad on AG which show a Reference series IC for $329, or the Signature series IC for $149. Both are 1M and can be configured the same as the Signal Cable I currently use.

3)  Jensen Transformer with their cables which are Canares Star Quad. The question comes down to which solution will deliver the best sound and provide the most compatible connection.  The adapters are only a last consideration and are not inexpensive. Parts Connexsion sells the Cardas adapters for about 82.00 a set and I will need two sets. (I think) plus $6.00 shipping

Obviously, the Jenson transformer with appropriate cables will cost $300-$350  So it is a toss -up between the JW Audio Reference cable , or the Jensen device  Let me know if you have any other  thoughts on the 2 solutions, should you have the time. I am not in a hurry and it is not crucial.  .  SJ


3) Jensen Transformer with their cables which are Canares Star Quad.
Hi Jim,

First, to be sure it’s clear you can use any cable brand with the Jensen transformer. And you needn’t use the same brand for the RCA cables and the XLR cables, for that matter. The particular seller of Jensen transformers I suggested just happens to also sell many Canare cables.

I would strongly suspect that the Jensen transformer option will make the most difference, among the options you listed. And I would expect it to be more likely than not that the difference will be in the right direction, from a subjective standpoint. It is also conceivable, though, that the difference may be in the wrong direction, subjectively. But if that were to occur I would interpret it to mean that the root cause of the problem is elsewhere in the system. As I said earlier, a Jensen transformer, which would provide the BAT amp with a true balanced pair of signals, is IMO the right way to implement this kind of interface, at least within anything close to the price range you are considering.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al