Best DIY silver solder?

I’m building some speaker cables... using spades for binding post connection. Any advice on the best value for silver solder?
I see that you already got your solder. I wanted to add that I have used
Cardas solder for the last 12 or so years. I have always liked it. The solder is very easy to work with and is easy to melt/resolder on connections. The solder does contains silver as well as copper. I will say that I am very sensitive to anything with silver elements (even a silver-plated fuse clip pushed the sound into that silver area too much for me!). The Cardas solder has never exhibited the "silver" sonic signature. There might be other silver solder (such as mundorf/wbt) that gives you more of that fast/clean silver signature, but I have not tested with them. I would avoid anything with a higher silver content (mundorf supreme is 9%), but that’s my own personal taste. The Cardas solder does contain lead, so wash your hands thoroughly after working with the solder.
If you want to include Value Johnsons from Australia sounds excellent ,and is less hen 1/2 the price of a Mundorfs best Supreme  it has at least 4% Silver,Copper ,parts connecxion 
sells this,better then Cardas, and WBT From my experiences 
and flows good IMO.
No solder please. Use bare wire if at all possible. All solder and connectors degrade the sound. Go naked and you will find out first hand.