Confessions from a VPI owner of some 30 years

I would like to start with a humble apology to the OP of a thread I recently (overtook) for personal reasons. smrex13, I apologize to you and hope your audio journey going forward is joyous!

To donvito101, I made my remarks personal and for this I apologize.

I checked for remarks from yesterday on the "VPI Prime noise issues" (2 threads, why, I don't know) . I still find it odd that VPI did not remark on smrex13' original thread, only to his last thread that ended, "not VPI's fault".

I've had a couple of issues since purchasing my VPI Classic 3 SE Sig. one year ago. I sent, (through my dealer), an initial question about the arm tower's operation on Feb 2016. I was told it would be forwarded to VPI. As of today, I've not received one comment.

I've recently, in the past 3 months, had a vibration issue through the 3D arm when the SDS is set at 33rpm. It is not noticeable at 45 rpm. I feel it through the finger lift.

I've tried oiling the motor, cleaning the belt & new talcum, the spindle bearing is just like recommended with the proper grease etc...

I relayed all of this through my dealer who asked for pictures and I sent them. This was two weeks ago. As of today, not one word. Because of my last question through my dealer in Feb w/ no response, I'm a little weary.

OK. So, my position is.... I should go through the proper channels. The dealer, right? VPI has their sales set up through a dealer network. This, I assume, is to take a burden off of them so they can be focused on manufacturing?

We/I/ you, pay a premium for this? I assume it's around 100% added to the actual cost of manufacturing. So, if I have an issue, I should follow the way VPI has their dealer network set up and take my concerns to the dealer. If this is not the way things should work, why then, doesn't VPI just sell directly? We/me/the end user could save BIG BUCKS.

That's pretty much the whole issue. I have no idea why VPI does not want to make any effort to settle this issue.


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My experiences have not been pleasant. Many other turn tables out there. Looking at a Brinkman or a Kuzma. Prepared to spend $15k or more and won’t spend it at VPI.  
I appreciate all of the responses.

I have posted questions/concerns on the VPI forums and have not had much luck so far.

I failed to mention another issue I have... the spindle to pivot distance according to Harry is 258mm, I'm measuring 260mm with my Feickert protractor. After posting this on their forums, I was asked to try loosening the arm mount bolts and the arm plate bolts and shift the assembly. This did not work. When I posted my results, I received no reply.

I also asked what cartridge geometry he uses for his own VPI gauge, again no response. I went on Vinyl Engine. There is a poster there who has a long and substantive post on cartridge geometries and offers printable set-up tools. He even remarked about Harry not revealing this. Why?

I've gone back to my dealer one more time for some help. Maybe after the holidays ......
I think it would be informative if anyone reading this that has a similar table/arm/protractor and would measure for themselves to check this distance.

I check mine with the arm removed, this seems to be the most accurate way.
If your check the VPI forum, note that they are closed for the holidays.  So be a little more patient.