The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀
ct0517 and Nandric,

It is not a big deal for Halcro as his country is used to camels. I don't mean the foolish ones but the real. Halcro's forefathers already imported huge numbers of camels to cross the more than 1000 miles of the dry and red areas. I am not sure if he keeps one at home anymore to have a ride at Bondi Beach? So your dream Ct0517 may come true. I for myself don't need one. I prefer fast cars...Btw Nandric the London Reference is a wonderful MM design you should try.

ct0517, thanks for all the good descriptions and explanations regarding the ET arms. Very helpful. I know you are the godfather of ET and some time ago I followed  your fabulous thread. So it is still alive. Great!
Thuchan thx for the comments.

there is only one ET2 Godfather - Bruce himself.

This dream of mine you describe...I just hope it doesn't turn into a massacre after some of the comments on this thread.
That would be..... bad.

I get the sense that the Serbian King is struggling with my last post suggesting he ride side by side on a camel with the Mexican Emperor Raul?

Maybe I should make sure Nikola's camel has two humps too ?

Well, when Henry wakes up he can decide if he wants me to project manage this trip for him. I am available for some work Henry, you know.
Maybe I can negotiate a Decca for my trip manager services; especially since I am learning from Thuchan that you already have a Camel and keep it in your backyard....

As a pet or for transportation I am not clear on that....  

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We once bought a camel to keep our kangaroos company.....but the poor thing kept trying to come inside the house.