Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

Dear Shadorne,

The Pl-500 is the most relaxt loudspeaker I have auditioned sofar. I also auditioned the Alexandria 2 and this demo was rarther poor. Still it was the setup of the distributer.

My perfectionism is this huge that each single kind of imperfection makes me F. irritated. It needs to be perfect, flawless.

With classical music the Pl-200 could reveal details of instruments which were not auditionable with the Sasha. Beside this the layering in the lowest freq. missed information as well.

When you compare the 100khz AMT tweeter against the 23khz dome tweeter of the Sasha, the differences could not be bigger. The AMT not only reveals more details and information but has so much more authority and grip on the high freq.

The new drivers are in response faster than anything we auditioned sofar. 2 weeks ago a person who’s biggest passion is music an audio. He owns a system far over 50.000 dollar. He said; this is the best low freq I ever auditioned. He called it reference low frequency.

I have to admit that S.A.P. creates a superior timing what never can be created by any kind of old school highend audio. But you still need fast drivers.

The accuton drivers have a coloration what I call: the mjeh sound. You hear it when you compare a violin/cello in real. Played by systems who use accuton drivers a violin sounds a lot more clean and misses the layering in sound a violin can reveal.

The old drivers of the first Platinum series were also made of ceramics with some aluminium. Accuton uses similar construction. I owned the Pl-300 of the first Platinum series. I liked them, but I did not like the mid freq. of this speaker. It was a different coloration compared to accuton drivers. I could not listen to classical music with these speakers.

It needs to sound as in real or I cannot bare it. The Pl-200 which came out in 2010 used new crossovers and with classical music it sounded much more natural.

But the new drivers of the new Platinum series are a lot different. What I said; we never auditioned so many layers in sound than with the new Platinum series.

A voice coil limits the timing of a driver. The technique Monitor Audio uses is superior in timing. And mannnn this makes a huge difference. At low volume it can build so much more dynamics and layering in the lowest freq.

What they changed as well it using carbon fiber on the back of each driver. And this creates a much lower level of distortion. With classical music you get a superior level of realism and layering in sound.

When you own the Pl-500 and you visit clients, shows and other shops it is F. insane at what level of quality and realism they listen to.

When we visit shops, new clients, audio shows and distributers we always go back in time. We listen to systems with many mistakes and parts of Tru-Fi which are missing.

They all have acoustic problems, we do not  have them anymore for many years now. When I see a picture of audio systems in most situation I know that the combination does not make sense at all.

This is based on the properties they connected to eachother. But they use audio by trial and error. They do not  know the properties of each single part. That is why I call it audiogambling.

When I ask the question: can you tell me why the stage and sound is what we hear? And no one can answer it, it stops for me.


Your testimonial about yourself is impressive. You are not the first to claim you have discovered the holy grail. None of what you have written demonstrates any understanding of loudspeaker construction and design but I guess your enthusiasm for the products you sell more than makes up for that! 

There has always been a "latest and greatest" and like fall fashions they come with great fanfare and promotion and quietly fade away with next years "new and improved". And then there are products that have survived the test of time. I know what I will choose - like my Gibson Les Paul or my Fender Precision bass or Pearl ref drum kit - knowledgeable buyers keep buying well made products that have proven themselves time and time again with countless buyers! IMHO Wilson falls into the category of time proven.
bo1972, based on your posts and the system linked to on Facebook I find you to have no superiority in setting up systems in comparison to better dealers. In fact, I see what I consider to be a glaring mistake in your method. :) 

Dear meerzistar,

we call a system 2 dimensional when the stage depth is 1 metre max.

Many 2 dimensional systems have even a lot less. So when you put some music on, voices and instruments are al most standing on the same line.

What this does with your emotion is that the music is less involving and people often use the words; it is more standing away from you.

When you listen to the same music in a 3 dimensional system, the voices and instruments are more separated from eachother but also separated in depth.

You are pulled into the music and you become more one with the music. When I changed from 2d to 3D you always see the smile on the faces of people. 

Their reactions was the reason why I stopped selling 2 dimensional sound. I work on behave of the people who wants to buy an audio system. I want to give them the best possible, not second best.

When I was them I would only want the best. I become them and I make the same decisions as I would make for myself.

Music is a part of my life and I want others to get the same addictive feeling as I experience.