Dear meerzistar,
we call a system 2 dimensional when the stage depth is 1 metre max.
Many 2 dimensional systems have even a lot less. So when you put some music on, voices and instruments are al most standing on the same line.
What this does with your emotion is that the music is less involving and people often use the words; it is more standing away from you.
When you listen to the same music in a 3 dimensional system, the voices and instruments are more separated from eachother but also separated in depth.
You are pulled into the music and you become more one with the music. When I changed from 2d to 3D you always see the smile on the faces of people.
Their reactions was the reason why I stopped selling 2 dimensional sound. I work on behave of the people who wants to buy an audio system. I want to give them the best possible, not second best.
When I was them I would only want the best. I become them and I make the same decisions as I would make for myself.
Music is a part of my life and I want others to get the same addictive feeling as I experience.