ROI. Where is money better spent?

Sorry if the category is not quite accurate, but i would like the opinion of the knowledgable crew here. I am shopping for a preamp and interconnects, source to pre, and pre to amp, balanced. I am not looking for any brand recommendation, but want to know that if i had some xtra money to spend, should it go into better cables or better preamp? Thanks and happy holidays!
Cables make a difference but the preamp is the most important piece to get right. Get the best preamp you can afford. If you have cables you can sell so you can spend more on the preamp, do that too. 

If you screw up on your preamp, you'll be spending a ton of money on cables to try and fix your mistake. It won't work, of course, so you might as well just do it right the first time.
Thank for all the good advice. I dont have unlimited funds to spend and want a decent sounding system.   Getting back into it after many years.

In all my testing, I would probably say the amplifier is the least impactful than any other component.  A bad choice in amp can definitely cause your system to sound bad, but as long as you have a generally good choice, the differences between two amps are going to be less then the differences between two choices of preamps/source.  The speaker is probably the biggest change, so make sure it's a speaker you generally like the sonic signature of.

The preamp is important, but I would also say your source (DAC/turntable/etc) is also very important.  One thing I have found is that if the sound quality / resolution is not there from the source, you are never going to get it back by putting in a super expensive preamp/amp.


the pre-amp, as it were, is the heart of any system. You will want to go all-out on this piece alone.  Once it is nailed down, then, you can focus on cabling.  Happy Listening!
Preamp for sure and the room at the same time. Get a preamp with room correction. Room correction done right helps you hear what your speakers were meant to sound like.