Wadia 850 repair? Suggested replacement?

I have a Wadia 850CDP I have owned since around 97-98 (I think). About 5 years ago it developed a problem with the loading mechanism and a CD got stuck. Wadia was able to repair and all was okay till about 2 weeks ago. Now there's a grinding sound when the drawer opens and as it reads the CD and now it will occasionally skip. I have contacted Wadia (now ARC owns them) and I'm told they no longer support it :-(
Does anyone know of a place that might be able to fix it? Preferably in the NYC area. If my fear is realized and it can no longer be repaired, what do you guys suggest as a replacement? Preferably under $5k. TIA and Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas!
Thanks for your inputs guys. Well Ben was very nice but won't touch it due to parts being unavailable. He won't use gray market or aftermarket parts as he feels they fail prematurely and doesn't want what he repaired to come back for a long time.

dan6054, I'll reach out to Scott and see what he says. Thanks!

mb1, george, appreciate the info. I am not all that savvy and technical but know that I love what the Wadia produces with my CDs. Now I know why.

ptss, thanks for the info but I like old bricks and not really into the habit of just throwing out anything that has served me well for a long time. I'll try my best to get it fixed and if not, maybe I'll check out this Oppo brand.


Did you ever find a resolution to this?  Mine just stopped working this week.  I opened it up and found some broken plastic teeth so I am assuming its the same thing.
