ROI. Where is money better spent?

Sorry if the category is not quite accurate, but i would like the opinion of the knowledgable crew here. I am shopping for a preamp and interconnects, source to pre, and pre to amp, balanced. I am not looking for any brand recommendation, but want to know that if i had some xtra money to spend, should it go into better cables or better preamp? Thanks and happy holidays!

IMHO, I would suggest spending money on the weakest link of the system, however without knowing the system, any suggestion is somewhat like a shot in the dark. Listing your system would help to get you better recommendations

I appreciate everyones input on the matter and will use it to help guide me in my choices. I look forward to learning from you folks, as i am sure i will seek more guidance in the neer future. Hope everyones holidays are going well and good listening.


Extra money through the Holidays ?!?!?

Better off to get me a nice gift with your reserves !!! :) HAHAHAHA

Good luck, whichever way you go. Pre-amp would be my choice though

Good room treatment? Do you guys mean putting some high-quality art on the walls so you have something to look at while you're listening?