You were right about adding a sub.

I've had subs around the house, but used them mostly for home theater.

From time to time, some of you have encouraged me to use a sub in my 2 channel setup. Curiosity got the best of me over the Holidays and I hooked up a sub using speaker level connections and used the sub's crossover.

My speakers are Usher 6311 and my Integrated is an Anthem 225.

What a difference it made to not only the bass line, but cutting the lows increased the soundstage, improved detail, etc. I feel like I have new speakers, And the bug to try other speakers is gone.

Thanks for the tip- wish I would have tried it before now! For those of you that are tempted, it may be worth a try, it certainly was is my case. I'm using a Svs Sound Cylinder, fwiw. 



Your question is a paradox?

I've had different results depending upon my (then) systems' configuration.

When you say "I own a preamp and tube monos that would let me try it out"...

Can you tell me why you cannot try it now? I may have missed something in your explanation of your system?
Is your lack of flexibility the fact you'd have to purchase more cables for a "better solution"?)
Without knowing some of the answers to the questions I posted...

(1) What would it take for you to go line-level?
(2) What size room?
(3) Room acoustical treatments?
(4) Thoughts on purchasing a (1) new sub based upon recommendations here vs.a chance on trying (2) with the advice of their log time user at a substantial lower cost?

My integrated doesn't have a pre out and amp in. Only pre out. 

I'm thinking I can use the RCA inputs on the sub if I place the sub between the preamp and amp.

With my current setup I don't know another way to cut the low frequencies from my mains unless I use the speaker wire option. If I had amplifier in jacks it would be nice.
