I agree with Goeffkait that bind tests have very limited value, but for the primary reason that they don't correspond to listening and therefore are invalid.
if I are merely hidden for your knowing what components are being used and you get to listen for a reasonable time to a known cut, one should get something out of them.
But a 30 second same/different task is useless as we don't listen like that when listening to music. I have been involved in such listening test of 30 seconds where after afterwards I listed for more extended time and always picked one unit as best. If you don't hear a difference between two components don't buy either. If you hear your piece sounding better, keep it. Screw anyone else opinion unless you have much prior experience they hear as you do.
How do you get confidence with so few audiophiles and dealers? THis is a major problem. I have many friends even in other countries that often give valid advice to me. But forget double blind 30, same/different tests and try to ignore bells and whistles.
But I do agree with him that many factors matter. No cytogenetic treatment, however. TEsla coil treatment is far superior.
if I are merely hidden for your knowing what components are being used and you get to listen for a reasonable time to a known cut, one should get something out of them.
But a 30 second same/different task is useless as we don't listen like that when listening to music. I have been involved in such listening test of 30 seconds where after afterwards I listed for more extended time and always picked one unit as best. If you don't hear a difference between two components don't buy either. If you hear your piece sounding better, keep it. Screw anyone else opinion unless you have much prior experience they hear as you do.
How do you get confidence with so few audiophiles and dealers? THis is a major problem. I have many friends even in other countries that often give valid advice to me. But forget double blind 30, same/different tests and try to ignore bells and whistles.
But I do agree with him that many factors matter. No cytogenetic treatment, however. TEsla coil treatment is far superior.