You were right about adding a sub.

I've had subs around the house, but used them mostly for home theater.

From time to time, some of you have encouraged me to use a sub in my 2 channel setup. Curiosity got the best of me over the Holidays and I hooked up a sub using speaker level connections and used the sub's crossover.

My speakers are Usher 6311 and my Integrated is an Anthem 225.

What a difference it made to not only the bass line, but cutting the lows increased the soundstage, improved detail, etc. I feel like I have new speakers, And the bug to try other speakers is gone.

Thanks for the tip- wish I would have tried it before now! For those of you that are tempted, it may be worth a try, it certainly was is my case. I'm using a Svs Sound Cylinder, fwiw. 


Sonicdead- I passed on a local Rel, and could kick myself!

imhififan, I'm not sure I'll figure anything out that would be of value, but appreciate your confidence in me! 

Happy New Year!


In my set up, the speaker wire route is my only option for cutting low frequencies from my main speakers and routing them to my sub. Doing this improves the sound of my main speakers - but I assume this varies from setup to setup.

Opinions differ regarding what is better if you able to choose. Also, some choose to run their speakers full range and blend the sub into the mix where the mains trail off.

There are many articles online about this subject, and again, opinions differ.

If you have the options, trying each and picking which you like best would be my advice. 

Disclaimer- I'm far from the most knowledgeable on here.

Hope this helps,