Best Cheap Amps for Magneplanar Speakers

I want to drive some medium sized to large Maggies (1.7 or 3.7) with the cheapest possible amps that will still let them sound great.

I prefer monoblocks and by 'cheap' I mean a kilobuck or so, tho less would be fine too.  I do NOT want to spend 4 thou...
I drive mine with Marantz MA-700 monoblocks. Not made anymore, but you'll see them pop up occasionally for $175-250. But keep in mind that I've been through blind amp tests that put me in the "watts is watts" (given all the standard qualifiers) class. So given that, if I were buying new monoblocks I'd get Outlaw Model 2200 ($379/ea).
Not cheap not the cost of a house either Bryston makes some very good sounding reliable cost effective mono blocks to power just about every mag. The power packs also sound very good look into them. They should easily hide in the back somewhere if thats any concern at all.  
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You are using a Sunfire now? Why not pick up second one, and bridge them? 6-900 used.  Tough piece of equipment to beat especially on the secondary market. There is also a few things that can be done to them
to really make them shine. 600 watts @8ohms  if memory serves me correct.