Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

as we start a new year, I wanted to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for making this thread such a success in 2016.

It started off w/ post #1. Then reply #1 and completely took off on its own as others joined in to share their thoughts, impressions, even counterpoints and experiences w/ all things Thiel! Outstanding work- All.

Here's to even more success in 2017.
-JA Fant  Esq.

Jetter said

"I have shied away from Thiels in the past because there was always their reputation (deserved or not) that they were hot on top and because of the massive clean power needed to drive them. But now that Jim is not around it seems that their is a renewed interest in the speaker, a reverence being paid t the genius."

warning:  once you put a Thiel in your system you will always have one in your system!  :^)

I have owned a 3.6 and CS 6 for many years and continue to be amazed.  And it is also a misnomer that bad recordings will run you out of the room with a Thiel.  Any system that's not balanced in a room not properly treated will do that!  

The 3.7 is a great speaker, the only con I had was the aggressive price or I would have bought one.  My wife wanted to buy them for my 50th birthday.  I thought it was a great idea!   I spent a lot of time auditioning the 3.7 but could not go for 14K since I was so satisfied with my 3.6 and had the CS6 in my sights.  

The legacy Thiels are among the best values in audio - another consideration to get into the Thiel line - on second thought, all the high end ones are legacies - I mean prior to the dot 7's.

Is sounds as though you still have the 3.6 even after you purchased your 6. I myself, have been unable to let go of my former Thiel products even after upgrading. (After all, there aren't going to be any more!) I wonder how many others can't let go...?
Are you opening the proverbial Pandora's box for a discussion of the NEW Thiel line?
To robinbarbour's statement that once you have Thiel in your system you "can't let go..."


My CS 3.5's are irreplaceable. They remain the one component that I've found to be my reference source without consideration for price up or down - especially up. Can't be beat. 

Even when an opportunity and finances present themselves for a move up the Legacy models line my 3.5's won't be sold or traded - they're THAT good. 

I also have a pair of Meadowlark Kestrels at my gf's house that continue to make me happy as hell.  Pat McGinty was quite similar in many respects to Jim Thiel regarding coherency and design approach to loudspeakers and they too represent bargains on the used market. If you can find a pair for your second system by all means scoff 'em up - damn good speakers overall. 

Thiel, Pass, B. A. T.;  I'm in heaven. 

Happy new year all,  I'm gonna blast "Fanfare For The Common Man" later this afternoon. 
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