Shunyata Research's Denali 2000T ???

I've read reviews of Shunyata Research's Denali series (three of them).
Do any of you own one and share your impressions?

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Hello Calloway,
Thanks for the information.
I did purchase a 2000T and received it a week ago.
I believe you are going to like the 6000S.
Let me know how things go when you receive it.
Best regards...

I'm using the 2000T (plugged into one dedicated outlet) on my amp and preamp.
Transport and Dac are plugged into my Equi=Tech Model 20 balanced power conditioner (plugged into a different dedicated line).
Lastly, my Turntable, Phono-preamp, and tuner are plugged into a DeZorel Mk II Powerline Filter (on its own dedicated outlet). 

Lak:I have been thinking about balanced power myself.  I am curious why you don't use the Equitech for your amp/preamp but only for your DAC? Did you experiment and conclude that is where it is best used?  Or is that a recommended or a common way to use Equitech Q products.
That's a very good question.
The short answer is system space constraints and the length of my High Fidelity UR or U power cords. 
My main rack is full and the Denali 2000T fits very nicely in a small space right next to my main rack, while the Q2 is in a different location.
Given more time to experiment, I'll try running the Dac and Transport out of the Denali and my amp, preamp and Phono out of the Q2.
It's all about mixing and match to see what sounds the best.
I've been experimenting with several differet power cords in my second system, and that's where my time has been spent for a while now.