Power Cords for Spectral equipment

Hello again everyone. First off, thank you to everyone who responded to my post re/CDP isolation. Today, I am once again in need of advice in which I have little to no experience. I would like to hear your recommendations on power cords for my Spectral DMC 20 Series II preamp and DMA 200 power amp. I am currently using the stock power cords. I know from their website that Spectral recommends using MIT Z cords (I or II). Are there any other cords that may work better? I don't know if this is important, but I am using all MIT MI 350 Reference IC's and MH 770 CVT Twin speaker cable. Thanks.
Thanks! for re-viving an older thread nkonor.

Yes, Spectral and M.I.T. are sonic matches. Happy Listening!
As a Spectral owner who owns some of each model I attest that the MIT Oracle powercords are a remarkable upgrade in my system. The older z cord 2 are very inferior all round. As your sound improves with isolation,eg Equitech 2Q's, and power conditioning, the z cord 2's are virtuably unlistenable. As an aside I would like to obtain an MIT Z Stabilizer 2.
The Oracle AC 3 power cords have been incredible bang for the buck wherever I've used them
including marked improvement with digital equipment. Joe Abrams sells here on Audiogon and has been a great resource for information and great prices on new and used gear.